Wednesday, April 3, 2013

sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket + LINUX

Hey Friends,

Today we faced a different problem in sendmail configuration in linux. We installed and configured sendmail. started the service of sendmail. the mails were not getting delivered. where we have made entry in exchange server too.

We look at the error in /var/log/maillog. the error was as below:-

[@ log]# tailf maillog
Apr  3 15:35:45  sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Apr  3 15:35:50  sendmail[9855]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA: cannot bind: Cannot assign requested address
Apr  3 15:35:50  sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Apr  3 15:35:55  sendmail[9855]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA: cannot bind: Cannot assign requested address
Apr  3 15:35:55  sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Apr  3 15:36:00  sendmail[9855]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA: cannot bind: Cannot assign requested address
Apr  3 15:36:00  sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Apr  3 15:36:05  sendmail[9855]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA: cannot bind: Cannot assign requested address
Apr  3 15:36:05  sendmail[9855]: daemon MTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Apr  3 15:36:05  sendmail[9855]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(): opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA: server SMTP socket wedged: exiting
[@ log]#

 after googling and reading some document, came to know that another service was also running on port number 25, which is SMTP port. we had a glance at
#netstat -an |grep -i 25
#netstat -an |grep -i smtp

etc, last we checked POSTFIX services which were running on the server at port number 25. we stopped that and the error went. at last RESOLUTION of the error came.

[@ log]# ps -ef |grep -i postfix
      2023     1  0 Feb22 ?        00:00:38 /usr/libexec/postfix/master
postfix   2032  2023  0 Feb22 ?        00:00:03 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
postfix   9283  2023  0 15:04 ?        00:00:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u
      9960  9125  0 15:41 pts/1    00:00:00 grep -i postfix
[@ log]# /etc/init.d/postfix status
master (pid  2023) is running...
[@ log]# /etc/init.d/postfix stop
Shutting down postfix:                                     [  OK  ]
[@ log]#

after this started services of sendmail. before stopping the services please confirm whether the server owner or application team is using postfix ! if yes then go accordingly.

Love Sharing
Amit Chopra

How should we live?

Should we adjust according to others or should we adjust others according to us or both according to time?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

wrong /etc/hosts file entry + LINUX

Hey Friends,

Today, a very good learning we had. One of the user has made himself an entry in /etc/hosts file. He said I want to keep one IP but different alias name. the pattern which he followed is shown below.

[root@-1 ~]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
10.XX.XX.XXX localhost oracle 188-1 xyz
[root@-1 ~]#
XX are represented in place of IP. He kept all alias name on the same line. Even I didn't realize this and thought it is looking ok. But when he was not able to login from any where. Login to Server through XMANAGER. and when trying to connect then it showed error of local host name.Like above server or system is not having LOOPBACK entry.

These two things were added in the /etc/hosts file. and the HOST enrty were  made as below:-           localhosts localhosts.domain
10.XX.X.XXX oracle
10.XX.X.XXX xxxxxx
10.XX.X.XXX xyz

and some additional packages of gnome and gdm were only upgraded. after this user was able to login through XMANAGER.

Love Sharing..
Amit Chopra